Accountability, Motivation, Confidence 

Here, we embrace high-end accountability, releasing blocks, shifting mindsets, and changing habits that limit growth and evolution in your business

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People who participate in group accountability programs are 95% more likely to achieve their goals compared to those who try to do it alone.

According to research from the American Psychological Association.



Your dreams are an achievable reality.


In this group you will learn to:

Break free from limiting mindsets and embrace a mindset of abundance, motivation and possibility.

Identify and break patterns that no longer serve you, paving the way for new opportunities and growth.

Take aligned action towards your goals and dreams, supported by a community of like-minded individuals and expert coaching.

Experience profound transformation and step into the life you've always envisioned.

If you struggle with…

  • Self-doubt and limiting beliefs
  • money blocks, confidence blocks, motivation blocks, or receiving blocks
  • Recognizing and breaking patterns that contribute to stagnation, self-sabotage, or procrastination
With Lauren's accountability and coaching group program, you'll be a part of a like-minded group of purpose-driven humans moving toward success and fulfillment. 

The Framework...


At the end of each meeting, we will meet bi-weekly via Zoom and set goals to hold one another accountable. There will be a group chat for interaction between our calls as we support one another toward our mission! Lauren is passionate about keeping the group intimate so each member can have individual attention in their business and personal life. Lauren will hold the space for the group and coach each member through their blocks and patterns. Growth is so much more beautiful when done together and life always brings the perfect people together to do so. 


Uncovering The Roots

Healing allows us to confront and overcome past wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs, leading us to foster inner peace and resilience. You will learn:

  • inner child healing
  • releasing blocks
  • nervous system regulation 

This newfound emotional freedom empowers us to be able to face challenges with clarity and confidence, breaking down mental and emotional barriers to success.


Cultivating an Abundant Mindset

A growth mindset unlocks your full potential as it teaches you to approach challenges as opportunities for development. You will learn: 

  • mindset shifting
  • rewiring thought patterns 
  • fear management 

By focusing on learning and resilience, you can overcome limitations, embrace change, and seize opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Taking Aligned Action

Taking aligned action is essential in building a life of success as it bridges the gap between goals and achievements. You will learn:

  • habit shifting
  • how to take aligned and consistent action toward career and/or personal goals 

By taking purposeful and intentional steps towards your aspirations, we can align your actions with your values, priorities, and long-term objectives.


Allowing Yourself to Receive

Receiving involves embracing and internalizing the positive changes and achievements you've attained, rather than dismissing or undermining them. You will learn:

  • Allowing your new outcomes to be received, held and maintained

This process of integration and maintenance ensures that your successes become enduring and sustainable aspects of your life, contributing to ongoing fulfillment, progress, and success.

This Is For You If You Want To Build...

  • a mindset of abundance and possibility
  • inner peace and resilience in the face of difficulty
  • new opportunities and personal growth  
  • connections with other like-minded people
  • a life of success and fulfillment

I'm Lauren Plante

I've been a certified coach since 2020. My background in human behavior and neurological education has taught me how to rewire behavior patterns and create new pathways in the brain. Drawing from my studies in homeopathy, somatics, and nervous system regulation, I've developed a holistic coaching method.

Having healed and moved through workaholism, confidence blocks, abandonment/rejection wounds, abuse, perfectionism, attachment issues, people-pleasing, negative self-talk, and self-doubt, I've gotten to the other side of feeling stuck and purposeless by breaking my limiting patterns.

This transformed my life in a way I never knew possible and I now feel inspired to teach you.

"Thank you Lauren for helping me build up the courage to do something I've been wanting to do. I couldn't have done without the support"
- Brooke
"Since we started our weekly sessions I have been looking at things and feeling differently. I feel like this has given me the confidence I need to love myself and accept my past and make sense of things"
- Sophie 

"I have worked with other coaches and shamans but never could sustain the change at such a high level. I believe it's because each week I better understood the process. Thank you."

- Chris

Master Your Mind Mastermind



- 3 month minimum commitment

- Bi-weekly calls every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month

- Zoom

- Telegram group chat 

- Free Cess to the Money Expansion Club (Money course, monthly live Q&A, community)


If you aren’t completely satisfied with Master Your Mind, let us know within the first 14 days for a full refund. No questions asked.

Still On The Fence?

Book a FREE Discovery Call and chat with me about what this program will look like for you. 

Book Here